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New Practice Members at Lighthouse Family Chiropractic

Step into Lighthouse Family Chiropractic, where Dr. Devin and Dr. Liv embrace your entire family on their unique wellness journey. From newborns to adults, our practice values and prioritizes the well-being of every family member. We are so excited to connect with you, build a lasting relationship, and become your trusted health care providers.

Take a look at our initial two visit onboarding process. This process is designed specifically so we can get to the root cause of you and your family’s health struggles.

Your Initial Consultation

Your initial consultation revolves around building a connection and getting to the root cause of your challenges!

Once you arrive at our office, you will be greeted by our friendly team and given a tour of our office. We want you to be comfortable here! Please help yourself to any snacks, coffee or water and let your kids play in our dedicated kids area. Having already read over your intake paperwork, Dr. Devin or Dr. Liv will sit down with you and discuss your health history, concerns, goals and wellness. After talking with the doctors, the last step is to get your scans done! At our office, we utilize the CLA INSiGHT scans to get an inside look at how you or your child’s nervous system is functioning. These scans are non-invasive and sensory based, safe for pregnancy and infants.

Be sure to communicate any questions or concerns you might have for Dr. Devin or Dr. Liv at this time. We are here for you.

Your Report of Findings

Your second appointment will be a deep dive into your Report of Findings. At this time, Dr. Devin or Dr. Liv will review your scans and how they correlate with your symptoms and story. After going over your scans, Dr. Liv or Dr. Devin will present our recommended care plan that will best align with your health goals. This plan will include frequency and duration of care as well as the cost.

We are here for you! At any point during this appointment, Dr. Liv or Dr. Devin will answer any and all questions you have, as well as address any concerns.

Committed to Transparency

While not in-network with any health insurance providers, we prioritize financial transparency. Dr. Devin and Dr. Liv will openly share the expected cost of care with you, ensuring that you are prepared for the journey ahead. We always strive to keep our prices as fair as possible and will ensure you always know what to expect.

Schedule Your Appointment

There is no better time to embark on the path to wellness with Dr. Devin and Dr. Liv. With knowledge, skill, and heartfelt dedication—our practice is ready to guide you and your loved ones toward optimal health.


New Practice Members at Lighthouse Family Chiropractic | (854) 354-8989